What would you do?

There is a girl I met 7 years ago because of my husband. At the time his friend was close friends with her, and when I got introduced to his friends I just so happened to meet her. Fast forward to 3 years in she took it to social media to basically call me every name under the sun, because my husband and I decided to get married and he (by choice of his own) left those old friends in the past.

(They were still very rowdy, loved to drink Thursday, Friday, Saturday and go to the bar and punch people. My husband decided he wanted no part in it. )

She spoke terribly about me and even got girls to message me and say that my husband (fiancé) at the time was cheating on me. Which was obviously a lie and sad attempt on her end to ruin my wedding planning.

Today (which is 3 years after this happened):

This girl has tried to add me on social media, I’ve declined and declined. She has now sent her “friends”. I even messaged to ask if I know her. (This particular girl is friends with the one I met all those years ago!) She’s now gotten people she is friends with to stalk my social media accounts and I woke up to multiple requests on Instagram and a “wink” on fb. I don’t know if I should ignore her or message her directly and ask her what her issue is?

I’ve just gotten sick of this....

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