Why do I still care when he doesnt even notice me

since no one knows me on this app and ik it will never reach my family I'm not to worried..but.. I need a little help and guidance rn.. My husband of 2.5 years just told me 2 days ago that he's done dealing with me.. You see we had a open marriage almost the whole time we've been married and the way I grew up having a open marriage isn't right or proper, when you get married your to stay faithful and just to that person and that person alone.. I can't say much happened on his end of the open marriage since from what he's told me he's only slept with 1 girl other then me in those 2.5 years, which honestly I believe because ik my husband has a hard time getting up for another girl (no that's not knocking him either, tbh the first time I found that out I actually thought it was quiet sexy and Honorable and romantic and shows he can be faithful) so just from me saying that you can probably guess that I was the one who was doing all the getting layed part.. in the 2.5 years we have fought and bicked and gotten so upset with each other that it has come to the point that this last time he told me he was done. This time though it's hitting me alot harder because I don't have anyone I can turn to in the fact I don't have a very good relationship with his mom, I barley talk to his family, and I dropped all my family and friends I had when I was younger to be with him, we've been some rough times together too when I lost my daughter and at that time I was so torn between what I should do and what I should give up.. any parent on here is going to comment that I made the wrong choice and your probably not wrong because my husband said the same thing and that I should have gone with my daughter. Ik I'm a awful person and that he's probably right when he told me that when I try I fail.. I don't expect to get any positive comments out of this point but I needed to vent.. even if no one sees it