My body is so stupid


For the last two weeks, I have been feeling nauseous, tired, breast tender, going to the bathroom all the time. My AF was at least a day late and than today I have started my AF. We have been trying for many years and I am to the point of giving up, I am not the kind of person to give up on something so badly is to have a baby. I am not to sure if it’s me or my husband I have four other children that I am very thankful for. My husband and I would like another one.

My situation is that I have had two miscarriages, which we both were heartbroken. I am still think about it everyday and ask myself why. My AF became really weird and I start between 24-28. For the last couple of months my AF has been on time like it was before I had the two miscarriages, which it was every 28 days.

The reason why I am writing this post I would to know what I can take or do differently? Any advice I will appreciate it. I am 41 years of age time is ticking away.