7/12 - CD 9

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

My stuff finally came... took a full week. I didn't want to start using a new thermometer in the middle of a cycle, but it seems pretty accurate. I tested with both, and they're reading the same... I don't know if it's because I just came in from outside, or what... but they're both saying my temp is 99.41 right now. 🤔 I've been having an almost constant headache for the last week, I wake up with it more days than not. I don't feel sick at all.

CP is still high and soft, but more closed, now. I've been having way more CM than normal, I hope it stays this way! I've never had this much in my follicular phase since TTC. Isn't it funny the things we get excited about during this crazy process? Yay cervical fluids! 😂

Will probably start taking the mucinex in the next few days. I feel it coming, girls. It's going to happen for me, soon! 🙏🏻💖