Through thick and thin ❤️


Just wanted to post a little about my little love story...

I’ve been with my man for 5 years. When I got with him I knew what kind of guy he was. He wasn’t the nicest, and he wasn’t loyal. I spent so much time with him and I really got to know him. He self sabotages, he struggles with issues from his past, and he always felt that no matter what that I would leave him, so if he didn’t break my heart I’d break his.

We went through so much the first couple of years, to the point that I didn’t know who I was or why I ever stayed. Cheaters will always be cheaters? I’m glad to be able to say that I don’t believe that. I got him help, made him realize that it’s time to wake up and stop being (excuse my language) a FUCK BOY. 😂

Within the past couple of years I’ve watched him go from a broken man, to a grateful and loving human being. He’s never had stronger realtionships with his family, and his daughter than he does now. He expresses his love to me on a daily and thanks me for sticking out the terrible, to now when he loves himself and the people around him, especially me ❤️ And now... he wants to create a family with me! 😍😭😌 I cant wait to carry our child. And I can’t believe I finally get my happily ever after, sometimes it feels to good to be true.