Unknown Illness?


Hello, I’ve been to several doctors with multiple ideas as to what “could be” wrong but nothing definitive, so I’m really hoping that someone, somewhere may have experience with this and can relate.

My first set of symptoms started around March 2017. I become really tired and weak, have trouble focusing, brain fog and sometimes have difficulty with memory retention. Other symptoms include: lack of appetite, extreme drowsiness, trouble staying alert or staying focused on a single task, dizziness, and what I can best describe as feeling “hungover” even though NO alcohol is involved.

As time has progressed I’ve noticed that these symptoms become more prominent around the week of my cycle... like the hormones or lack of hormones (I’m on the pill) during this week contributes to me feeling worse.

I literally have to plan my life around the amount of energy I can afford to lose, while trying to miss as few days from work as possible. There are days after a hard week were I’m only awake long enough to eat a bite and visit the restroom. Even if I try to force myself to stay awake, the concentration just isn’t there.

Anything would be helpful. Thanks