needing advice so desperately 😢


My child is LITERALLY SO CLINGED ONTO ME but it doesn't bother me one bit. I like him next to me 24/7. I start work orientation for my new job on Monday at 9am sharp and my husband just started a job and works Mon- Fri 8-6 cash in hand every week. AND trust we need this!! Were already good on cash but I know if i work will be real SET. I realized i forgot my little baby gets 4 shots on Monday at 11:30am. I'm emotional and I'm not sure why because I'm stuck between missing orientation for work or being with my honey while he gets his shots. My mom said she has no issues filling in for me but his cry is already in my head. I want more than anything to be with him for that moment. I want to be there to comfort him. I want to kiss him til he stops crying. I want to make sure he doesn't get a fever. i know he needs ME. and I feel like I'm letting him down because I know how attached he is to me. I can get a job anyday-but also this is the job I was wanting and waiting for a call back so desperately . What do I do? 😢😢😢😢