How Can I Soothe My Baby?

Girl Mom. 🎀 • Mama bear of two!

My daughter is 9 weeks old and I had to stop breastfeeding. 😪 I’m super bummed about it but for whatever reason my supply died off no matter what I did. It happened at 7 weeks with my oldest. Anyway, this baby is super dependent on me and my boob. She doesn’t take a pacifier no matter what kind it is. She cries and cries and cries because she wants to latch but there isn’t anything coming out anymore. I’m heart broken.

How can I help soothe her during this transition time? She isn’t sleeping much. Swaddling helps a lot of the time. White noise and lullabies help for about 20-30 minutes and then she’s crying again. Lavender baby lotion doesn’t calm her down. Neither does rocking or holding her. I wish I knew how to help her. I feel like breastfeeding was the only absolute way she could be soothed and now I can’t help her anymore. 😕