I’m a little freaked out.. I think I have hpv

So one day I was shaving down there and noticed I had little bumps like on the outside of my vagina but more down. And at first I thought maybe it’s razor bumps or maybe due to sweating? But i started to look it up and if said it might me genital warts due to the hpv virus and I’m really scared because I’ve never had hpv and it says it can cause cervical cancer . I just have just 5 bumps.. 3 on one side and 2 on the other. But anyways I want the see a doctor to make sure and stuff but I’m afraid they’ll take for ever to see me and I would really like to get rid of these bumps now is there anyways I can?? Also can someone give me more insight on this and tell me if maybe im over reacting?... I’m really worried about these bumps and this virus. And has anyone had it before .. along w these bumps ?

Thank you for your time