Help!! I'm struggling in my relationship!

Ok...I've been with my current boyfriend for 3 years. While getting to know him, there was a lot of red flags that I ignored. And I just realized it after all this time.

I tried breaking up with him for a number of reasons and he said he'd never do it again and cried and cried. He begged me everyday and came to my house several times to try to get me back. He even signed up for counseling.

After becoming even more stressed and guilty, I took him back...

For weeks it seemed like it was getting better. But he's doing the same habits again (this would be the third time). I know he means well. He spends his money on me when inside I don't want him too. I always feel guilty.

Meanwhile I have a crush on someone I never talked too...he's a friend of my sister.. He has fire red hair and blue eyes. He also resembles Ed Sheeran but 10000000% cuter. (Sorry Ed Sheeran😂)

I've had a crush on him for months and months. I just always put it on the back of my mind to focus on my relationship with my boyfriend. But now I'm going crazy again...I feel so horrible.

I'm that type of person who believes in fate and all that stuff. Ok sooo, I think to myself. 'There's no way I'd ever get to this guy. I don't even talk to him' then my sister came to my room and told me that her friends have bonfires all the time and she could come and that I can come too. And he is a part of that friend group soooo Idk ughhhhh....

Then my boyfriend and I went to an ice cream place and we're sitting down on the stairs, Minding our own business. Then a little GINGER baby came up to me and tried climbing on my knees lol he looked at me and had big blue eyes! So cuteee!!! He has like 2 years old.

Then in my mind when I was looking at him, I thought oH ThIs Is mY FutUrE ChiLd!!!

I need help. I don't know what to do....what do I do??