I need help with myself WHAT DO I DO???

Guys... seriously.. how the hell do I loose weight. Every time I go to a pool or the beach and it’s time to wear a swimming suit I always find myself embarrassed with my body and I feel very insecure. I have love handles and belly fat and now it’s becoming noticeable in my back and I don’t know how to loose it. I also sometimes feels so fat and it’s so uncomfortable.. When I sit down, I look down and see big lumps of fat on my belly and try to hide it with my arms. I weight 160 lbs and I’m only 16 (5’4). People have told me I’m overweight for my height. I’ve tried eating healthy but my cravings for junk and sweets are soooo strong 😕 I’ve tried exercising but I lack motivation. What do I do😭