Wishing & Hoping

Jessica • I'm 32 (05/29/88) 7 year old son (12/06/13) Started dating new and amazing man (05/24/18) Physical, mental, emotion, verbal and sexual abuse survivor.

I’m laying here in bed with my boyfriend and I’m coming to the realization that even though we have both gone through a divorce I am desperately wanting to start a family with him. He has done SO MUCH for my son and is treating him like his own! He loves my son and loves me! He already considers us as family! My ex husband never really did much for our son. I ended up caring for our son more often then not. I often was the one working and cooking and trying to clean and taking our son to school or daycare. On top of all of that my husband was VERY abusive towards me (mentally, emotionally, verbally and physically). But I have found someone! Someone that not only makes me happy but ultimately someone that knows what it means to not only be an S.O. but also how to be a father! This is someone I would want my whole family to meet, someone I know would be a great S.O. as well as a GREAT father!