
My ex and father of my two year old son decided today to bring someone around our son we both agreed not to let back around him for numerous reasons. 1) he is a heroin addict 2) when he did finally get clean and my ex and I were still together my ex begged me to let him stay there and after two weeks he was high in front of my son and me so I immediately kicked him out that second. Since then my ex and I agreed he’d never be allowed around our child again but this morning he tell me he picked him up so he could drive him to work at one. I immediately went over there and took my son and brought him home with me but before I could leave his dad started screaming and hitting things like a freaking lunatic. Then proceeds to text me about how I’m wrong for taking my son that way and how he will be coming to take him back from me later. Maybe I went about it wrong but he at one point used to get high too and I’m not for my son being around or seeing that stuff. Am I wrong ladies?? Do I have to let him pick him up later?? We have nothing going they friend of the court (yet anyways) but I’m sick of dealing with all this alone. Advice?