Fertility specialist says I’m a mystery..


I’ve seen a fertility specialist for the last few months And I’ve been on Gonal-F injections with the plan to have an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. I’ve had two IUIs where my follicle measured at 16 mm. I’m currently on cycle day 21 and they say I have not ovulated and I’ve been On gonal f for about two weeks but they just cancelled right now because I’ve had no follicle growth. My fertility specialist said that I am not responding to the medications so they don’t know what to do for me.

My fertility specialist told me to stop and asked me to Come for a follow up in about four months because They don’t know an action plan and they talked to me about egg donor.

My issue is that I’m not producing mature follicles/eggs.

I feel so defeated I’m so bummed