Husband Doesn’t Communicate

I am very sensitive and am the kind of person who emotionally thrives on open communication, authentic connection, and transparency. Without it, everything feels empty and superficial to me.

My husband hates talking feelings, wants everything to be simple and easy and comfortable, and it makes me feel like he believes a good relationship lives sort of between the lines.

He is very challenged with handling conflict in a healthy way.

I love him dearly for so many other reasons and don’t want the “leave him” advice.

Do I just need to relax or is there something I can do to help him understand my needs without making him feel like he isn’t what I want? Whenever I talk about what I feel like I need or want, his response is “well if you’re not happy, there’s a solution.” To me, he’s not interested in a real partnership... not what it really means. He only wants the easy parts. It makes me feel lonely and misunderstood.

I’ve gone to therapy, by the way, but he would never go. I’ve asked many times.