Preemie latching problems

My baby was too small to latch when she was born but as soon as she got to 7/8lbs I started to ween her onto the breast.

She was doing GREAT the first two weeks. Latched like shes been doing it all along. Then, 3days ago NOTHING she HATES the breast. SCREAMS as if I have given her a shot if I even touch a nipple to her mouth. I make sure to get the milk to drop before I try and put her on. I calm her and try again in another position. SCREAMS. SO MANY POSITIONS.

I’ve tried the shield. Screams

I’ve tried adding milk to the shield. 👎🏼

I tried giving her an ounce by bottle before the breast, so she’s not over-hungry. Happily takes the bottle then SCREAMS AT THE BREAST.

What the hell?