Normal behavior of an 18 month old?

Ellie • Abbigail Mae • 01.14.17 • Finnegan Jakob : 01.28.18 : /09.27.19 Tessa Elise /🥰🌼

Let me start off by saying I trust my mommy instincts- I’ve been right with my daughter and son through most things including colic and other issues. Lately I’ve been noticing some concerning behaviors, more often then not and one very repetitive one.

She’s constantly tugging at her ears even though there’s no ear infection.

-constantly screaming for no reason- she’s given attention and still screams. She’s not wet/no poop, not constipated, not hungry or thirsty, pushes her toys away.

-a constant getting mad out of no where lately & I stress she gets PLENTY and I do mean PLENTY of attention from Me & her father.

-Stomping her feet in anger even though nothing set her off, see above.

-She pushes me away when I try to cuddle her or hug her unless it’s on HER terms. If I initiate she screams and pushes me as far away as possible.

-She cries out of nowhere. See anger fits above.

-Tugging at her face for no reason. Like taking both of her hands and pulling down. No one has shown her that, but she does this in annoyance every day.

-If I try to give affection she will shove me away more then reciprocate.

-Heavily relying on the pacifier and not transitioning to any other item no matter how much I repetitively tried to give her something to distract her.

-Her vocabulary is limited to: Hey, Mumma(seldomly does she say it) Dada (most used.) & that’s it.

I am no doctor, and I realize none of you are I am just wondering if this sounds like a issue. Something tells me she might either have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or a form of Autism. I have OCD & someone in my family has a form of autism, so the possibility is there.

I have also spoken with my son’s Early intervention services coordinator about her speech and will be having her accessed, so I’m not heavily relying on the internet- just want some opinions from moms who have gone through this! xx thanks.

Ps. Yes, I know she’s still got a ways to go before a proper diagnosis x