My abortion story


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Monday on July 16th, 2018 I found out I was pregnant at 18 years old. I felt disappointed and confused in myself because I didn’t expect this to be happening to me. I told my parents & they were just as shocked as I was and furious with me for ruining my life so soon just before I was about to start college in the fall. My parents told me it was my decision of what i wanted to do concerning the growing fetus in my womb. I cried over a million times in my bedroom & debated wether to share this information with the father of my child. I was so depressed that I began to punish myself by starving, locking myself inside my room for hours and taking multiple vitamins and antibiotics to make myself sick enough to forget about the entire situation. I eventually decided to send the father of my child a picture of the pregnancy test I had taken. As soon as I sent the picture I received a call from him. I answered the phone bursting into tears scared to hear his reaction over the phone. As soon as I answered the phone he said, “Tell me this is a joke. Quit crying! You’ve gotta get rid of it! Have you slept with anyone else besides me?”. I was shocked that he thought of me as the type of girl to just sleep around with anyone and wouldn’t keep track of how many sex partners she’s had. This didn’t sound like the guy I had laid beside in bed and caught feelings for at all. I explained to him that I haven’t had sex with anyone else besides him since my last menstrual period. I told him that I was scared but I was thinking about getting an abortion as soon as possible because I couldn’t take care of a child right now. He asked, “where do you get an abortion at ? You can’t keep this! We can’t have a baby!” he yelled. I told him that i was going to find out some information online & schedule an appointment as soon as possible. We hung up the phone with each other & i started to search online for places that do abortions. I eventually found a place in Huntsville, Alabama called American Women’s Clinic. I read the information over online & called to schedule an appointment for the next day. I texted the father of my child my appointment time & he agreed to pick me up the next morning for a consultation at the clinic and that he was going to pay for everything. The next morning, the car ride between us felt like the longest road trip of my life. The ride was promptly 35 minutes of loud music blasting in the speakers of his car as he drowned out the sound of my crying. The appointment lasted for 15 minutes while the father of my child waited inside his car in the parking lot. The nurses checked my blood pressure, weight and asked me to urinate in a cup to confirm my pregnancy. A few minutes went by and the head nurse congratulated me that I was indeed pregnant! The nurse told me that it was mandatory that I do a ultrasound to see how far long I am in my pregnancy. I laid down as the nurse rubbed this cold jelly onto my stomach making me feel extremely cold. A few minutes passed & she began printing off pictures of what seemed to be my little baby. She asked me if i’d like to know how far long I am & If i want to see or keep my ultrasound pictures. I told her that I wanted to know how far long I was but I didn’t want to see my innocent child on a picture that eventually may not have a life soon. I was informed that I was 5 weeks pregnant! Before leaving the clinic, the receptionist asked what day did i want to perform my procedure & what form of abortion was I going to take. She explained to me that there were two types such as the pills or surgery. I decided to have surgery & and to start the procedure in two days. Moral of my story ...... young ladies & woman! Please be careful when deciding to have sex. Think twice because not everyone is ready to raise a child. I wasn’t strong enough to go through with birthing my sweet baby! I regret ever making my decision & ruining my child’s life before it was even born. It was the hardest decision in my entire life. This breaks my heart but i ask God for forgiveness everyday! 💔