Almost 3 year old nephew.


My nephew will be 3 in October and I’ll probably get some hate for this but how much should he be saying by now? I have 3 boys of my own 8 years old, 6 years old and one that’s 7 months old. I want to talk to my SIL but feel that she would take it the wrong way. He doesn’t say mama or papa, dada or anything. He bites and hits when they don’t know what he wants. They have another son who turned 1 in April and the same thing is happening with him. I mean the almost 3 year old repeats like juice or water when they tell him to say it. But he doesn’t say it on his own. I don’t know. I just feel like he should be saying more. His pediatrician from my SIL told me was that if by the time he was 2 and he still wasn’t saying anything that she would like for him to go get tested for speech and language. He still didn’t and she hasn’t done anything to get him the help. Please help me figure out a way to tell her. I can’t tell my BIL because he’s a huge pain in the ass. We don’t really see eye to eye and I don’t think we ever will. I just want my nephews to able to communicate without hitting, biting and yelling.