Needed to vent

So, I have a nephew who is around 4 years old and is autistic, he's a great little boy but has his fits and stuff like any child with autism would. Now, my brother and his mother are not together and have been back and forth in mediation and trial to figure out custody and stuff. In my opinion my brother and my nephews mother are unfit parents. When ever his mother has him he's at daycare or at one of her friends houses and she's off doing what ever. She rarely spends time with him. Now, when he has time with his dad who lives with me and my parents and daughter, my brother barely spends time with him or pays attention to him as well. Hes always either on his phone, playing video games, or not home. We try to put our foot down so he can take care of his son but he just wont. Its so sad. We wlend uo taking care of him. Now my brother has his newest ex that he's obessed about pregnant and he wants to sign away his write to my nephew and wants to runaway. Its just a whole mess. I just wanted to vent because if I talk to my parents about it they just get stressed even more. We have our own problems without him involved.