Should be happy but extremely frustrated

In November of 2016 i found out I was pregnant. In the same month my best friend found out she was pregnant as well. I had a mc 6 weeks along and she now has a beautiful baby who just turned one. In our friend group I was always the one who dreamed of being a mom, that’s all I ever want to do and be. Today she just told me that she found out she’s pregnant again. And i got so frustrated and so upset but didn’t let her know that, I told her I was so happy for her and wished her the best. I guess I’m just hurt that I’m always the one that wanted kids and haven’t been successful in doing so, and now she has two that she didn’t even want in the first place. Me and my DH haven’t been preventing pregnancy, but it still hasn’t happened, which is surprising. I guess I’m just frustrated that she’s living my dream. Am I a bad friend for thinking this?