Need someone to talk to


My beautiful baby boy Easton was born May 8th this year. I had a perfect pregnancy and an amazing delivery, we were out of the hospital the next day. When we got home things started going down hill. We were at his pediatrician once or twice a week. He started off being super fussy! Then it went to crying and screaming! He was screaming so much and so loud that he lost his little voice 😞 we went to the pediatrician and he was losing weight. So they told me to pump and feed him from a bottle so we could track his ounces. Went back 5 days later and he was still losing weight. They then had us start supplementing with formula..a few days went by and we thought he was doing better. Went back to pediatrician and he lost even more weight. Easton was born at 8 pounds 9 this point he was down to 7 pounds. The pediatrician finally told us we need to go to children’s hospital. My heart sank..I didn’t no what was going to happen, what to expect, I just wanted my baby to be healthy and happy. He was in so much pain and crying constantly. Once we got to children’s they figured out before 24hrs even passed what was wrong with him. They didn’t stop all threw the night even with blood work scans and tests and they figured it out. Easton had what they called a posterior urethral valve (PUV). A flap basically that formed in between his kidneys and bladder and caused a blockage. He wasn’t able to get his pee out, and he wasn’t eating bc he was so backed up and his kidneys were hurting. In return to Easton having this blockage, which formed in my womb when he was growing, he now has Chronic Kidney Disease. As of right now he is doing fantastic with putting weight on and eating and growing. But we have a long road ahead of us and im so scared and worried for my baby, I just want him to be ok. This is something that will not go away or get better..he will have this for the rest of his life. His kidneys are working at a 50% right now and he is at stage 3. Doctors say he could stay at these numbers for years and be great! But he could also turn for the worse and need a kidney transplant at some point. I pray that he will just keep growing and doing great for years and years. Does anyone else have a child with this?

This is Easton when he was born

This was the day of surgery at children’s hospital

When we got to leave the hospital finally

One month old

Two months old

Sorry for such the long post! Thank you for feels good to get this off my chest