9 week old in hospital


This definitely isn't how we expected this day to go! My hubby was sick last week and as much as we tried to avoid it, our lg got sick too :( I was watching her for symptoms for a couple days, and yesterday it seems they all flooded in at the same time! We had a terrible night, she is so snotty and chesty that she kept coughing and choking on mucus in her sleep, which kept making her throw up. Scary for all involved. So we took her to her paediatrician this morning expecting him to prescribe some meds, but ended up admitting her to hospital! He is very concerned about her chest and breathing and says it's dangerous in such a young baby So she has to be on the nebulizer every few hours and vitals monitored until her feeding is back to normal and her chest clears and breathing slows back down. It's the worst having to see your LO so sick and having to go through all this.. she has no idea what's going on. Also, mama is feeling pretty exhausted too! Could do with some prayers! Also, anyone has been through this or something similar?