just in need of some advice...

Lindsay • married to a wonderful man, have 2 angel babies, and pregnant with our rainbow baby boy

So not super sure this is the right place to post this but I am ttc so... anyway. I know most of us arnt doctors or anything. Just need some advice on wether I should see my doc. So I have always had really painful, really heavy periods. got my first one when I was 11. And I'm 20 now. But iv noticed that they have definatly gotten worse over the last year or two, and iv also noticed over the last 2 or 3 months that anytime me and my DH have sex I hurt really bad afterwards, like really bad cramps, sex itself is also sometimes painful and we don't really have rough sex either. some times I just cramp for no reason it seems. And once or twice over the last few months iv had a little spotting in between periods. Also I guess I should mention we've been ttc since December after my second misscarage, and haven't had any luck conceiving again yet. i know it can take up to a year, but I kinda just want to make sure everything is ok. I mean are these things normal or should I see my gyno?