So over pumping

Due to a tongue tie that led to latch issues that led to bottle preference, I’m essentially EPing and I’m so over it. My goal in terms of providing breastmilk was always 6 months, hut I honestly don’t know if I have another 3 in me. I produce literally exactly what he needs for each feed so building up a supply has been impossible (his one formula bottle a day is just to give my boobs and sanity a rest), which means I’m essentially always only one bottle ahead of him. This works fine until I take a nap...get out and about...etc. Miss a pump and I’m left with a screaming infant for 10 minutes...sad for him and stressful for me as I don’t want to be unresponsive to his needs. Not to mention that I feel like the pump keeps us both tied to home more then I would like.

I’m not sure why I’m posting, just needed to vent I guess. I want him to have whatever I can provide (especially as formula seems to make his silent reflux much worse) but I feel like it’s starting to take away from the joy of this time. I’m starting to resent the whole situation. I’ve hung in there ok for three months and I just don’t know if I have another three in me. Thinking of maybe giving a lactation consultant one last shot and then transitioning to mostly formula if his latch is still terrible or he just hates it. Ugh. 😭😭😭😭😭