What do I do? Long distance relationship question


My boyfriend and I have been together 2.5 years and known each other almost 3. I went into our relationship being 100% honest with him I could not move to him and my reasons why. Basically he lives in quite an unsavory area, I’d be alone all day as I work at home, and miserable and I feel it would affect our relationship so much I’d make him miserable. He understood that. I live in an amazing area I know he’d love. So he never questioned this and we have been going along me assuming he will move to me instead. He even told me on our first time meeting each other that he would do whatever and he would move to me. At this time he hated his job and was miserable so I was good enough for him then.

However as time has progressed he has can’t decide if he can come to me or not. He now has a job he likes a lot and he’s close with his family as I am with mine. I get that it’s difficult for him but it honestly is hurting me so much he can’t just take the leap. He’s 27 and lives at home, he says I’m “the one” so why can he not just make that decision? I get it’s tough for him but he just can’t make his mind up. Do you think he’s mustnever going to commit? He cries to me because he doesn’t want to lose me but he can’t choose.

It’s the opportunity of a lifetime for him. He has so much opportunity and he loves me but he still cannot commit to me.

At the time we had a 5 year plan to make us work. That plan is up in 3 years and I can’t hold on for another 3 not knowing if we will be together or not. I feel strung along. We’ve just had a pretty bad argument, I told him straight I was honest with him from the start and he is the one who has not been. If I’m the love of his life why can he not just make the decisions sooner rather than later - He throws back at me “yeah okay you’re the mature one the one who can make the decisions yeah I get it” about 5 times over..and he can be very condescending in what he says to me. Like “WHY is it better where you are?” And “ I don’t remember you saying you wouldn’t come here”. Just these little comments p*ss me off. I do love him so much. He’s one of a kind truly and he’s always so understanding of my concerns and he’s wonderful. He’s my dream guy in every way. He went out on a bachelor party for his friend and kept messaging me to let me know he loved me and missed me. He buys me sweet gifts and is the most sensitive kind man there is.

But im 24, I am worried I’m just going to waste more of my life and not end up with him anyway? What should I do? :( we have a trip to Disney planned next month and I don’t even know if I want him to come over now. I’d be stupid to tell him not to come right? Ugh