He says hes not controlling or not pressuring me but thats what it feels like


I’m 18 turning 19 in 2 months and hes turning 22 in a couple of days. I just graduated last month and My boyfriend told me yesterday when am i planning to go to college? I told him idk that after i get my car so i can feel and be independent taking myself to school but that maybe i don’t want to start soon and i want a break and he started saying he can’t be with someone that doesn’t want to go to school and doesn’t have the same goals and energy as him. All i said was that i hate the pressure society has about college and making it seem like its everything and shit and i know its important but i want to find myself first before i go and put myself in that situation. i been struggling with anxiety and i find myself wanting to not go because i’m afraid of lots of things and just the idea of it makes me cringe. I’m hating all this pressure from people and now my boyfriend is making it worse and on top of that i also have ADD and it makes me afraid of school because its hard to concentrate and focus. My boyfriend just thinks i’m making excuses not to go and throughout the whole relationship he never understood what anxiety or ADD or anything is like he takes it so lightly just because he doesn’t have it he basically says everything i’m saying are excuses but its literally my reasons. It makes me so confused because sometimes i think he just says things to me because he cares about me, but at the same time it feels controlling and i forget things because of my ADD so i never win an argument. He wants to be a Cop so he went to the police academy and graduated and since he can’t be a cop right now he’s applying to be a security at this school but he took months off and a break without working so why cant i take a break from school? and hes currently living off mommy and daddy money and now hes trying to get his shit together and wants me to do the same. Help please