Breastfeeding to Formula

Millennia • 19 • momma of baby Titus 😊💙

When my baby was born I was only breastfeeding, and it was harder than it looked. I liked it though it felt nice to be able to do it and my baby latched well on first day. The only thing is that I felt like it was making me kinda depressed, like when evening times came I would get in like this depressed mode because I knew I was gunna have to wake up in the night to feed him and physically it was tiering it really was. Well, he was born with Jaundice and my doc said to formula feed him for a few weeks so he can poop out the bilirubin and it’s been working.... so now that he’s been being bottle feeding my mom and my boyfriend have been able to feed him too and I don’t feel as drained anymore, I guess it just feels good to be able to get help now when it comes to feeding. Anyways, I am thinking about just staying on the formula but I feel so bad about it and I don’t know why. Did or does anybody else feel this way?