Ghosts and demons. Update!


So we recently been in this old house built from in 1947. My husband and I live here along with my soon to be newborn baby. One dog, one cat, one rabbit two jumbo rats and three guinea pigs.

My husband has this friend, and lord Jesus fucking help me.

32 weeks pregnant and my hormones are raging.

The title says it all. His friend is over here in the floor playing with my jumbo rats. I'm being nice even though I don't really care for him. He out of random said "You guys don't have ghosts and demons here?"

I'm half native and had crazy shit happen to me when I was a kid which my husband is also half native. So.. the house has had a lot of creepy shit happen.

Going into a room.. the light switch off. The fan rotating like it's on but isn't. The room going from extremely hot to freezing cold. The electrical wire is all new in the house and the bulb in rooms I walk in sometimes flicker. My husband brought it to my attention a few weeks ago and i told him not to talk about it. At all. Don't bring anymore. We don't have as much happen now that I burned safe and hung up a few of my native items. (It's how we are don't judge) it's all peace of mind. Even went an extra mile and put a holy bible in the kitchen out in the open. Got a cross hanging on the wall. Every thing! Even thought my religion is a bit different, it doesn't hurt. But yeah. His friend openly said that about ghosts and demons and i was pissed. (I believe the more attention you give them, the more the bad comes around) Again. I had weird shit happen to me as a child. Same for my husband. So those with negative comments please don't be rude. It's not needed. I believe what I believe just as you do.

My husband was trying to get him to stop talking about it. And finally he shit up after my husband said "Dude, if you wanna talk about it, take it to your house." Thank you husband.

🤦🏼‍♀️ Now. I'm gonna go hang more stuff up..


Well. I'm driving his ass home. Fuck this. He just said "I feel like I brought evil into your house"

Someone help me from saying shit to this dumb fuck.


I drove him home. Husband was in the passenger seat.

I didn't feel safe at all. Felt like something was behind me the whole time!

So on the way to his house.. he brought the demon stuff up again. And my husband told him to stop. He did but continued once more. I blanked (lost it) slammed on my brakes, turned around and said to him. More like yelled I'm not gonna lie. (I feel bad) "Shut the fuck up with that shit!" Dead.. fucking silence. And then I yelled "You done? You good now? Or what?" He said yeah. I took a few deep breaths and took him home. Complete silence.when he gets out of my truck.. (swear I don't know how he knew) he said "You have a very unusual gift." And i said " what" He said "You see things others can't"

For one. How does he know that..

two I talked to my husband. He's not coming back over.

We went straight to walmart. Bought a bunch of colored candles, a bunch of wooden crosses, a bunch of stones, a bunch of every thing we could think of to bless the house. We cleaned the house and then my husband took a sandlewood stick, lit it. And waved it slowly through the whole house and in each corner. I feel a bit better. But I still fear it's not enough. We also hung crosses (Even though I don't really do the whole cross thing) in each and every room. Literally.

And I've been up all night having full anxiety because all I can think about is how he knew what I could see. And my husband said his friend did a summon ritual at his home.. so yeah. We. Are. Fucked.