I wish I waited after my mc

Amanda • One early miscarriage at 5w in April 2015, second early miscarriage in June 2015. Healthy baby girl born April 2016. Third early miscarriage feb 2019 and Fourth early miscarriage May 2019.TTC BABY #2

I put myself in sort of a predicament and it's going to end with me upset

I had my second chemical mc 4 weeks ago, it was natural and at 5w. My doctor said no big deal that I've had two and just to wait two cycles. I figured this was just for dating purposes and tried again. I had blood work done because I thought I had strep throat, it came back that my thyroid is on it's way down so I think that may have caused my mc.

Well, everytime my bf and I have tried to get pregnant it happens right away but I'm hoping this time will be different. My doctor said he wants to check my thyroid in 3 months but I called an endocrynologist and I can't get in until August 24. I just know I'm going to mc if I'm pregnant again and I don't know how I can get on thyroid medicine anytime sooner. I called my ob and just asked about my thyroid they suggested I work with my primary doctor, that's it.

I'm going to keep calling my endocrynologist trying to get in earlier but they're so booked. I'm just so upset. I wish I would've waited.