Stomach Problems

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

My little guy is constantly spitting up. His milk is just sitting in his belly rather than going down. He was spitting up green which the nurses said is poop coming the wrong way, now it's just milk, thank goodness. They've checked for tears and did blood work for infection. He's on and off fussy which can be a good and bad thing they said. Good because he's alert, bad because it could mean he doesn't feel well.. Scans came back good but we're waiting on blood work. Anybody been through this and it be something other than infection? I'm really praying it isn't. I've read stomach infection in preemies can be a 50/50 survival..

UPDATE: Blood work came back negative for infection.. His Billyruben (liver levels) are back up so he is going back under UV light. They're skipping a couple feedings to see if it'll help him poop. He had another green spit up this morning.