I don’t know whether to come off my medicine or to increase it.

Recently, I’ve been getting upset more, angry, and frustrated. I’m currently taking Wellbutrin 150mg, and it used to work. I’m not sure if my medicine has quit working or if it’s the stress I’m facing in my relationship causing me to feel like this.

Before I talk about my current relationship, I need to specify that I’ve never been fully satisfied in my past relationships. I always find something that could change or that could be better. I feel like I have unrealistic expectations when it comes to being in a relationship. With that being said...

I’ve been with my current boyfriend for almost two years now. He has a very busy home life (his parents make him do everything around the house, while his sister doesn’t have to. He feels like if he acts out like she does or says anything that they’ll kick him out). I’m 23 and he’s 21. He has to work two jobs and is currently taking a summer college class. His parents refuse to help him pay for college, even though they’re well off. He gets moody, is always tired, he’s started gaining weight, tells me how he’s felt like a zombie for the past year, that he feels like he’s drowning, etc. About a year ago he told me he’d consider going to the doctor for help, but he talked to his mom about it and never went. I asked him to go again recently and even though he’s told me how he feels overwhelmed, stressed, etc, as soon as I brought up getting help he said he’s completely fine. I know I can’t help him if he won’t help himself, but I feel like I’m taking the brunt of it all.

He never has enough time to spend with me. I’ve seen him once in the past two weeks. He gets upset when I ask when we can hangout and that he feels like he’s falling short in our relationship. He’ll randomly snap at me. I know he’s going through a lot, and I’ve tried my best to be understanding. I have a hard time just being happy when I see him. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m beyond excited when I get to see him) He’ll do things that are annoying or upsetting to me that really shouldn’t be, even if it’s for a split second. I feel like I should just be happy when I get to see him and not be upset for one thing that he didn’t do or did it a way I didn’t like.

I know I have a problem when it comes to just enjoying things.

I feel like it’s taking a toll on me mentally. I don’t know what to do. Any advice is much appreciated. Whether it be on how to get myself to relax more, to be more caring, how to help him through this, etc. Is increasing my medicine actually helpful or harmful?