what kind of mother am i?! 😭

I'm a FTM. My daughter is only 2 weeks old and I already want to give up. I hate being a mom. I hate the middle of the night when she wakes up to feed and wont go back to sleep for 3 hours even though I've tried everything, she just cries. I hate the thoughts I have when I'm overwhelmed and frustrated at that point. I feel like throwing her or just putting her on the couch and leaving. I'd never in a million years act on those thoughts but what kind of mother feels and thinks these things about her own daughter?! I feel so disconnected at times when I look at her. My husband and I tried for almost a year for her. I was so happy when I found out I was pregnant. I was happy my whole pregnancy. How can I want to give up already when it's only been 2 weeks? My husband goes back to work today and I'm terrified of being alone with her. He works 2 hours away and stays there during the week to save time and money on gas. How am I supposed to do this without him?

Dont get me wrong, I love my baby girl. I dont feel this way all the time. Only on the really rough nights. Which has only been 2 nights so far. I do have a case of the baby blues but it has gotten a lot better. I'm just feeling like a horrible person/mother for feeling some of those negative things.