Divorce. Which side are you on?


I can't really write out the full answers to pick from so I will explain here.

Do you think divorce is a reality that you and your partner need to discuss before marriage as in setting hard limit boundaries( no cheating, no verbal/mental/emotional abuse, no drug use, no abuse towards our children or we will be divorced)

OR do you go into a marriage saying that divorce is never an option?

Do you even talk about it with your partner?

Were you the child of divorced parents?

I personaly believe in letting my partner know my boundaries and hard limits before the relationship gets to a serious point and then talking again before marriage to make sure we are on the same page. My parents did divorce when I was very young, but I do not think divorce is an eventuality. I just think it is a realistic thing that needs to be discussed, but my mother in law told me specifically to tell my husband that divorce was never an option and this would be his one and only marriage until he died forever and ever amen so he would never even think of it as an option. I told her that I don't believe in absolutes and that marriage was complex. To bluntly put it I love my husband with all of my heart, but I can love him just as much as his wife as I can as his ex wife.

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