Should cigarette smokers be allowed more breaks?


Tonight I went to Subway for a pick up order. They hadn’t even started it yet. One girl was working and the other was standing there doing nothing. She wasn’t on a break, that much was obvious. The girl working asked if she could put the toppings on my sub when they were done toasting because a family of 4 was walking in, and she responds saying “I’ll be right back, gotta take a smoke break”. By the time I walked out with my subs there were 8 people in line. She was standing right outside the door finishing her cigarette when I walked out. To the point that her exhale was basically blown in my face. I understand it’s just a fast food job, but IN WHAT WORLD is that even remotely acceptable? Some people are so unprofessional I swear. Everyone should get the same amount of breaks. If you can’t hold off on your addiction that long, that’s on you.

This rant brought to you by: pregnancy hormones and a “don’t f*** with my food” attitude 😂 Also so sick of seeing lazy “workers”

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Posted at
Yeah that’s not ok. Smokers shouldn’t get extra breaks for being smokers. My manager at my restaurant job had one rule that I always admired: if you ever disappear to go on “break” at a particularly convenient time, such as when things are picking up at lunch hour or when you can tell your coworkers need help, you’re fired on the spot. Don’t be that person.


Savanah • Aug 3, 2018
I'm a smoker and the only time I would ask to go smoke was when it was dead or the other workers could handle it on their own. I did get "extra" breaks but I smoked half a cigarette and it took my 2 minutes total to get back to the kitchen (Pizza Hut). Everyone always told me that I was really fast on those breaks but I'm there to work, not play around. Whoever made this post, I would call their store manager and speak with them. What they did was disrespectful and she also shouldn't be in the front of the building smoking, she should be at least 10 feet from the doors.


no • Aug 2, 2018
I love your manager.


Posted at
As a smoker I don't believe I deserve extra breaks. And also, it's just common courtesy to not blow smoke in people's faces. That's just rude as hell.


Twiggy • Aug 3, 2018
Yes, exactly.


Stephanie • Aug 3, 2018
Right?! Give me my two 15 mins and my 30 min lunch (the standard for any job I’ve held, never had a job where I got an hour lunch or anything 😉) and I’ll cherish that time when it comes. And you’d think they would want the employees to break in areas not seen by customers. I’m sure there’s a back door, that should be where smoking is allowed. People like this gives other smokers a bad rep


Posted at
I waited tables for 5 years. Never took a break but like once (unless it was a double shift) and the smokers would take 3-5 at least a shift. Ridiculous.


Cassidy • Aug 6, 2018
same here. i react terribly to cigarette smoke, i cough and my eyes swell up and i get miserable from just smelling it, i hated when our servers would come in smelling like it because the rest of my shift was spent fighting off coughs and rubbing my eyes, i’m sure the customers don’t like it either.


Vivian • Aug 6, 2018
I worked as a hostess once, and the rule from my manager was no smoking in your uniform ever( don't like it, hit the door). Personally I can't stand the smell of cigarettes, so makes sense( the guest don't need to smell your smoke).


Cassidy • Aug 3, 2018
agree 100%


Posted at
I worked as a carhop at sonic a long time ago and I personally loved when the girls went on smoke breaks (most people smoked) because it was more tips for me!! Lol. Where I work now, we get an hour break and two 15 minute breaks and that’s all. No smoke breaks. So if anyone “really needs” a cigarette, they just have to suck it up and wait! That’s how I think it should be.


princess • Aug 5, 2018
My jobs the sane they just have to wait for their breaks


Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Aug 3, 2018
that's how my job is. I work at a Walmart


Posted at
No. My work now tests for nicotine, on top of weed and other drugs, if it is in your system, you're fired. As for "smoke breaks" you would be put on probation again (3 months), after that you had one warning. Do it again and you're fired.


Megan • Aug 6, 2018
In some states employers may not discriminate against smokers and can be sued for wrongful termination is they do fire someone solely on the grounds that they smoke, but in many states an employer is free to refuse to hire a smoker or free to fire a smoker just for being a smoker. There is no federal protection.


MountainMist • Aug 3, 2018
*shouldn’t, not should be legal


MountainMist • Aug 3, 2018
I’m so glad to hear she was such good motivation ☺️ Congrats on your baby and also on quitting! 🎉 I personally feel the same on others smoking around me and my loved ones. I’m currently pregnant and it probably seems rude but I blatantly will cover my face and turn away if someone around me is smoking and I can’t just leave.


Posted at
I don’t think smokers deserve extra breaks. If they need more than 2 15s and a 30 minute, then they need to re-evaluate their lives.


Posted at
no. destroy your lungs on your own time. also i feel like if one were to divide their breaks up so they could take a smoke break. it should be done when theres little to no customers in the lobby. i smoke cigs. but it grosses me out to see an employee come in smelling like an ash tray. nasty. save your ciggies for when ppl arent eating. and carry perfume!!


✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Aug 2, 2018
i suppose if theyre a habitual smoker. but the people ive worked with havent complained luckily. but that might be because i dont only smoke cigs. idk why i even smoke tbh i take to hits of the cig and throw it out.


Me • Aug 2, 2018
Perfume doesn’t help. Lol.


Posted at
I've run into this at every job I've had besides my current job. If you weren't a smoker you got less breaks. It's bullshit. Smoking is repulsive especially if you work in food service... Nobody wants a server that stinks like smoke 🤢🤮. Like I always say, people need to kill themselves in their own time, or they should give everyone equal breaks. I know people who can't even get a breast pumping break (which is illegal) so how is it okay that we cater to smokers more...


Posted at
Just because she was taking a break, doesn't mean it was an "extra" smoke break, it could have just been her regular break, but to take a break with people waiting seems inconsiderate to the customers and the other worker. I would have said something with her blowing it in my face.


P • Aug 6, 2018
Thanks so much! I’ll talk to her about that and see if she’s open to the idea. I’m much more accepting of that because at least vapes don’t have all the chemicals cigarettes do. She’s been smoking for 45 years now, only taking breaks during pregnancy and to breastfeed my brother and I.


Becky • Aug 6, 2018
maybe have her try vaping I've smoked for almost 10 years my wife for al.oat 14 and both of us have started vaping with 6mg nicotine and now after 2 months of using a vape I now no longer crave a pack. if she is really serious about being a grandma who is actively involved with her grandbaby then she should have no problem trying alternative methods of smoking. I recommend the Smok brand for a vape its roughly 40$ here but they can be cheaper on amazon. and a 100ml bottle of e juice for me is 25 and it last me 2 months at a time. I wish her all the best because smoking is one of the hardest things I have found to quit. if she is also one to wear jewelry black tourmaline is good for addiction and helps block those feelings. good luck Mama!


P • Aug 2, 2018
I’m so sorry to hear about your grandma. My mom is a smoker and I try not to be too mean about my rules but she knows that she’s not going to be allowed to hold my daughter with her clothes on lol. I’m buying an outfit or two for her that she can put on after she showers when she gets to my house, because even 3rd hand smoke can cause pneumonia and whatnot. She’s trying to quit before she gets here but I’ve been hearing that she’s quitting for over 20 years.


Posted at
so I am a smoker. I have worked at over 40 jobs so far in my life (long story) and have only taken extra breaks if we were slow... if I saw customers I put my cigarette out, washed my hands up to my elbows, and jumped into work, where I might go out to finish my cigarette after eveything was done depending on the situation... I also never smoke anywhere near doors and run, very quickly, away from children of I have a lit cigarette with my arm up in the air like a lunatic. I do not glamorize smoking or push on others (if anything I am the poster child for anti smoking but the withdrawal is so hard on my body that my doctor is making me quit in baby steps 😖) I do not intentionally smoke around non smokers and do walk to increase gaps when people walk buy me. but I'm crazy. it pisses me off when other smokers are disrespectful to non smokers. we are fully aware that we are poisoning our bodies and it's not right for us to force that on others!! I stand more than 50 feet from doors to public places and intentionally make sure my smoke blows down wind from it, it's not hard? why do others have to be so dumb!! okay.. ill stop... but damn it pissea me off, lol


je • Aug 5, 2018
yeah. I had a bad reaction to it. same with the birth control patch 😖. we got the lozenges, they've been helping but it's a process. however I am doing a lot better


Jules • Aug 5, 2018
Did you ever try the nicotine patch to quit? It worked for me


je • Aug 3, 2018
I should point out that of the places I worked that allowed extra smoking breaks they also allowed "cool down breaks" as well to non smokers but that was the managers just being cool... so it depends I guess where you work. but going out to smoke when there are customers? hell no, she's lazy and needs to be fired!!