birth story for 2nd little boy


On July 6th I went to the hospital at 6am to be induced at 40 weeks. which I'm glad I did since my little boy was 8lbs and 11 oz. They hooked me up to all the moniters and IV line and it turns out I was already having regular contractions. I just wasn't feeling them at the moment. Around 830am my midwife comes in to administer the picotin to strengthen my contractions. about an hour and a half later she comes back and checks me and breaks my water since the contractions are progressing nicely and are starting to hurt like a bitch. I'm breathing through them and all the nurses are OMG you are so controlled through these. I'm like this is not my first rodeo honey. Around noon I'm like epidural now. so they check me and I'm 5cm dialated and said it's going to be a little while the anesthesiologist is currently in surgery so here I am freaking out because they wont give the epidural after you get past 7cm. I did not want to give birth to this baby with out it. They do a final check and I'm at 7cm and I'm like nooooooo. Then my godsend walks in. I'm like hallelujah. They get me all set up and I'm still feeling the contracctions but they are dulling down. I'm finally

able to to get some sleep. I get a couple hours of sleep and they wake me up to check and I'm at 9cm boarding 10cm they say I'm able to push if I want, but I don't have the urge to push so they let me progress naturally with a peanut pillow between my legs. I get about a half hour more of sleep and they wake me up because I'm becoming vocal in my sleep with my contraction and they think I'm ready to push. all I feel is a slight pressure to push but it is enough to tell when to push. I push for a half hour and at 431pm in the afternoon Lukas James Mann is born and I am so glad I got the epidural because he was bigger then expected and he was face up which i was told that when a baby is face up the labor is more painful. I also tore in two places.

3 weeks later