New here-BF with low everything

Hi Gals,

Just wanted to introduce myself, sorta.

My bf and I just found out last week that he has a very low sperm count. Low motility, low morphology(only 6%normal), very thick, jello-like semen sample. So basically his swimmers can’t get to where they need to go, and we were told that natural conception Is pretty much impossible.

Heartbreaking to say the least, so I guess the only option for us is <a href="">IUI</a>, bc we certainly could never afford <a href="">IVF</a>.

I’m trying to pep him up and make it not just about him, because I’m in my upper 30’s, overweight, history of a LEEP and history of chlamydia about 10 years ago. I was treated of course, but the probability of scarred tubes is pretty high. We’re just nickel and diming the testing because we don’t have a lot of money. I’ll need to get an HSG, and talk to my doctors about testing that will be necessary for us. I just don’t want to spend a bunch of money on all the testing if <a href="">IUI</a> won’t even give us a decent chance at pregnancy.

So....hi. There’s my story in a nutshell.

I mean, that’s not all, but if you want to ask anything, just ask!

And I’m not trying to brag, so please dont take it that way, but I have three kids. He has none. As easily as I got pregnant with my kids (now 18, 16, and 9) I just didn’t think I would have a problem getting pregnant when I wanted to. I work in a REI clinic, so it’s funny how this has all come full circle.

I went from being the lady that was so done with the thought of having another baby(their father is....nvm. I’ll be nice) to meeting the most amazing, caring, considerate man I’ve ever met in my life and he’s changed my outlook on everything from marriage to kids and every other thing in between. He wants nothing more than to be a father, and I feel like im the wrong person for him because I can’t give him that. I know we’ve got a ways to go and have to Keep trying and do more testing and everything before we can call it quits on the idea of being pregnant.

I don’t even know where I’m going with this. It’s hard. It’s just hard to understand how we’re so right for each other in every way but THIS.

OK, I’m getting tired, you ladies have a wonderful night!