confuse and alone

I want to leave but I can't! we have children together. he want a divorce and even though I'm trying to keep us together, he keep upsetting me. I'm emotional abuse. the vechile is his and only he work. I stay home and take care of our kids. one who sorely need me for everyday thing. she have adh and does her therapy during day and in night I stay in bed with her until she fall asleep or she throw the biggest fit. I tried almost everything but she would stay up and knowing that it ain't just us here I have to go in and sleep with her. he kick me out the room so now I stay in my kids room and sleep on the the bed. ( luckily we all fit{bunk bed}). he want to file for me but don't want to pay dependent fee if the divorce finalized. my daughter don't speak much so she interact by guiding my hand to something she want. I don't have no family near by or friends.i don't have any friend.

he refusing to buy my ticket to leave but want me gone. I cry almost everyday because of all this stress. he won't take me any where at all or even give me anything. I thank God the birth control stop my period cause not even a pad he would get me. yess I'm sure cause he refuse when I used to have my period. I just done fold and wash my kids clothes and notice he have item I brought in the trash. I used to work but not for long so I had that money for a while and since he don't take me any place or watch the kids i just hold on to it. I stated "you mean to throw away my stuff even the card I use at Walgreen and flashcard I teach (called both youngest name)

(sorry of the gif I can't see what I was typing) he pretend he was sleeping when I enter to put the youngest clothes away now his back in there and I'm up just wondering what am I to do with my life. I keep telling him how can I work if you can't take care the kids. spend little time went them and when he does he shout constantly. I though I made a right choice but now I'm regretting getting married to the guy I fall for in during school. the guy that was my best friend. the guy I cried to when I was raped and had miscarriage. he used to listen but now I'm just lost. recently I dream of a snake that bite me in my dream. when I look it up it was referring to my life.

my sister stated we just need intercourse but he refuses. I feel like just a room mate and not his wife. I want to run on a cliff and scream so loudly. "SOMEONE HELP ME!"