8dpo? Scan? Pain? Confused!

My last period started 10th July and I normally have a 33 day cycle.

On cd 25 (6dpo) I had painful sex, like crazy pain. It was unusual and stopped me from going to work so DH said to call our doc. He has booked an ultrasound for me this Wednesday (I will be cd 30). We use the withdrawal method which we know isn’t reliable but I have PCOS and if we were to fall pregnant it would be a miracle, we just don’t want the stress of ttc at the moment.

I have been moody and emotional for a week, incredibly thirsty, unable to get to sleep at night, suffering from hot flashes, bloated and I’ve a ‘tweaking’ sensation focussed to my left side. I felt my cervix last night (for the first time). It was high and soft, it felt almost swollen in there. I couldn’t feel an opening?

Im sure that the scan will show nothing but why has he asked for one? He didn’t explain and I’m just looking for some support from you ladies. My other half doesn’t see how this is stressful!