IUD fell out


Hey y’all. I didn’t know if I should post it but my iud fell out about 2 weeks ago and I honestly haven’t felt better. I’m more tired than usual but my back doesn’t hurt anymore, I’m not in an pain while I have sex. The only down fall I noticed was that my mood has changed. I’m more of an emotional wreck and I crave everything. Is that normal? But about my IUD falling out. I was in a lot of pain for about 3 months and spotted all the time especially when I had sex and my period was longer too. I got it done back in March so it was only in for about 4 1/2 months. Well over the adjustment period of 6 weeks. But I got home from work and decided to take a shower and I noticed a lot of blood, like bright colored, not anything I’m used to. I hurry out the shower and sit on the toilet and blood is like almost pouring out and then I feel inside because I felt a discomfort inside and I pull out my IUD. A ton of blood comes out then it kinda stops. I was so horrified. I am 22 years old and I have no idea that it could experience that the way I did. I thought I was dying I was so much pain. I threw up. But I took a nap and I felt better. And since then everything is better. Including the sex because I wasn’t in any pain. But what are your thoughts about this or did you go through something like this?