When people offer to pay do you let them pay?


My mother in law is staying with us my husbands mother. His the only one with income I’m a stay home mom. Well his mom is staying with us for a few weeks since she came to visit from Mexico. And where they live the material of clothing or any type of fabric is very hard or it doesn’t last long like it does here in the U.S. She says the shoes from here last longer then the ones from Mexico and towels are very hard and over here it’s different material and are very soft. Well whenever she comes with me to the store she will grab something she needs it’s not all the time it’s really rare. She will offer to pay when she gets something. I always tell her no that’s okay. I do it because I know it’s tough where she comes from. Plus I’d feel kind of weird to accept the money. Her other sons give her money or even my husband will give her money here and there. But I still don’t.

Anyways what do you think? Has this happened to you?

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