Using animals for a joke


I’m currently quiet irritated with a close friend of ours and when I tell people why I get very different responses. So here’s my story...what do you think...

My friends dad made a comment, a joke, that to take his daughters hand in marriage he would give her up in exchange for a goat. So as a joke they bought him a goat a few days before the wedding. They brought it to two parties on leash. Kept it in their backyard during the nights. They walked it around at the parties and everyone took pictures with it. When they were done with the goat they sold it at auction.

I am a farmers daughter. To me this is animal abuse. To them and many other friends they say I’m overacting. I didn’t go to the parties and I ignored every message my friend sent me about the goat. Which was like 30 messages.

Do you think this is animal abuse?