Is He Trying His Best?

Victoria • Victoria

Today is me and my boyfriends four month anniversary and I was really excited I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to see him today but I was really excited that I could at least FaceTime him or message him for a little bit longer amount of time than usual because it’s our anniversary and we usually put a little bit extra into that day that we celebrate our togetherness if that makes sense 😂😂. But anyway this is the first time that we haven’t seen each other on our anniversary and it’s hard because he has been so busy today and, I was pretty busy too but I told him what was happening right away and told him the time schedules that I had and we agreed we would talk after I finished. But he kept changing the time and I’m just so frustrated. Like I really wanted to FaceTime him and I really thought he would be excited and I bet he is but the way that he just made it look like he had to do something right when he said we’re gonna talk like first he said 8 o’clock then he comes at 7:55 and told me “oh yeah I have to actually finish cleaning the car” so I say ok as long as you finish before 8:25 because I have been waiting and I don’t want to stay up tonight like I did last night. Like I have been staying up a lot to talk to him and it’s summer so I don’t really care but it’s my time that’s being used so I really wish he could plan things out more. But then another reason that I really wanted to talk today around eight was because my parents are not home so I could actually not wear headphones and just talk calmly and not have to be nervous about someone coming in because I’m still at that stage where I’m not comfortable with him on FaceTime while my parents are in the room and it’s also later at night and I’m not like 15 I am younger so I need to have boundaries and time limits that I could be on my phone and I don’t get it taken away but I have time that I really just want to watch TV and relax but that’s being stopped because I still have to speak to him. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just how come this is our anniversary and I can barely speak to him like we’ve been through a lot and we both put things into the relationship and also messed up and made mistakes but there are just things that I really wish we could solve without arguments in his communication and this is one of them like why couldn’t he have told me at the exact time and just stuck to it now I’m here waiting looking at apps being bored because I don’t know when he’s gonna FaceTime me. What do you think about the situation?
