Suicidal friend

Hey guys. I really needed some Christian input on how to handle this situation. I have gone to my older brother, and he was very helpful, but I feel like I need someone else who isn’t directly attached to this person the story is about (well actually two people). So here goes

I have two characters in my story, let’s call them John and Morgan. They are dating.

I have know both of these people for about 10 years now, I’m 15, I met them both at my church! (so keep in mind that I’m definitely not the most knowledgeable person, about God yet, since I am only 15). John and Morgan were dating for about 4 1/2 months, and they were pretty devoted. Before they started dating me and John started talking a lot. And we became really really close friends. Like we would call each other brother and sister sometimes. And him and Morgan had relatively the same type of relationship, except they both like each other. So they started dating and Morgan was always jealous of how much we talked, which I completely understand.

They liked each other a lot. And like every relationship it had it’s ups and downs. Mostly Cause John has a lot going on in his life and was already kinda depressed (I use the word ‘kinda’ loosely). They were going good until like the last month, they started fighting ALL the time. And it wasn’t healthy. But they both REALLY likes each other.

Long story short they ended up last night with a nasty NASTY break up.

Morgan doesn’t wanna talk to me, so she’s talking to my brother and her best friend (who is my brothers girlfriend), so at least she was talking to someone.

John talks to me. And I pray I can be enough, and I can help him through all the stuff he is going through. But he keeps saying ‘I lost the best thing that ever happened to me’ and ‘I think the last chapter of my book is ending’ meaning he wants to commit suicide and he has given up hope that there is another chapter of his life.

I just really REALLY need to know what to tell him. Rn it’s 1 am, so I am going to bed, but if you have any questions I will answer them in the morning.

So there you go. If you have any questions please please lmk. And

PLEASE help me know what to do.

And all your prayers are GREATLY appreciated! ❤️ thank you Christian ladies! 💞💞