Fiancé In Jail💔


Sooooo my fiancé went to jail last night and I can’t stop crying🤧I got my mind off of it for a little bit well not really off of it but I was able to push it back for about 2 hours while I edited my YouTube video and posted it then had a mini jam session with my little sister but now it’s all just rushing back and I don’t have anyone to vent to about it because hes the only person I can vent to and cry to and feel better afterwards. And I’m soooo stressed out with everything else and he was the one thing I looked forward to everyday. So on top of school stuff, being pregnant, dealing with a babymama who hates me for no reason when I should hate her cause of the shit she’s done, moving into a new place, family drama, now I have to deal with him being in jail☹️☹️😣😖this shit is just toooooo much I just be wanting to give up but for the few minutes we had on the phone he told me God sends his strongest soldiers in to the toughest battles.