So another ER trip...

Jen • Mom to one very cute little boy conceived with the help of Glow! Avoiding baby #2 for a few years
Yesterday I started getting horrible cramps and then spotted very little brown spotting. I went to the ER and they did an u/s babies heart beat was good and was clapping and flipping around.they did an exam and the guy kinda laughed at me for the amount of spotting as it's not much. Baby measured good as well. But my cramps are so painful and that's what's worrying me!  They sent me home with paracetamol, orders for more bed rest ( I was on bed rest for spotting between 6-9weeks) and a leaflet on threatened abortion (again... I got the same one when spotting earlier)... The ER guy just said maybe the fetus isn't stable... I kept asking well it's alive and looks strong right? His reply yes but it's not stable? WTF does that mean? I asked if pain from my uterus stretching be that bad and he said possibly. I just don't know what to think at this point. I'm flying home to Canada on wed (17.5hr flight) and I'm now terrified of MC on the airplane or something. I'm loosing my mind!