Any advice ladies ?

I recieved my first depo shot on the June 27th, the day after my period had ended. I then had unprotected sex the following day. The screenshots show my sexuql activity and what days. All the other times Ive had sex its was unprotected. My sex drive has been extremely high and ive been very lubricated down there. These past couple of weeks since my ovulation period ive been very nauseous, irritable, HIGHLY sensitive and emotional just crying at everything. My period was supposed to start 7/19 but hasnt came yet and I dont know if its the shot or conception but im a bit worried. The extreme nausea is the only off thing to me, im thinking of just waiting to see if my period comes within the next couple of weeks if not ill take a test. I did experience light burgendy spotting a couple of days before my supposed period but it stopped that same day so im a lil lost but I kinda want a child 💜