Not myself

So let me start by saying I have two kids a 7 year and 3 year old. After I had my second child I was was diagnosed with PPA right after he turned one. It was so bad that I lost 30 pounds, has severe panic attacks and I swore something was going to happen to (like get sick with cancer or something) this lasted for almost two years. It changed me in so many ways some good and some bad. I turned 26 in January & I feel so old, I don’t know how to have fun, I feel ugly and not comfortable in my own skin. I still get my anxiety from time to time (like at the moment Ive convinced myself that I might have breast cancer). I’m miserable I feel like girls my age are out having fun and making friends. & I’m stuck being a mom that worries 24/7 that doesn’t even know how to be herself anymore. I also feel like an idiot for constantly worrying.