If ur not sad than u don’t have postpartum depression

That’s what my bil told me when I tried to be open with him.... I’ve been feeling pretty emotional and sensitive since he was born but I was like when I was pregnant too so I thought it might just be the hormones. And I self harmed because I felt like I was losing control of my child cause my fil thought it was ok to tell use we couldnt take him to Walmart with us one day. And I can’t say anything to him cause of language barrier so my husband said he would do it after he found out I self harmed cause of it. And I feel like self harming whenever I feel like a bad bad mom.

Plz keep in mind I did use to self harm in the past because of sexual abuse that was going on that time but it’s been years since I last self harmed.

I was looking up symptoms for ppd and I’m not good at noticing things so I asked my husband to look at this list and he said that lately I have and have been doing most of these things.

I will be taking to my doctor next week about it but it’s just hard cause I confided in him and he pretty much said I’m looking to much into it and I’m not sad all the time so there’s pretty much no way I can have ppd. And even if I don’t have ppd I will be talking to my doctor about my self harm thoughts.