Positive experience with surgical abortion


I just wanted to post this for anyone who might be scared to have a surgical abortion. I was so scared and had anxiety for a whole week waiting for my procedure and wasn’t sure if i was making the right decision. I know now that for me personally it was the right decision and i have a lot of relief post surgery. I was so so emotional and fearful beforehand and was surrounded by pregnant friends and it made it so difficult. Every clinic i called said they don’t give you any medication except a numbing injection but i would still feel it. That terrified me. I finally found a place that did conscious sedation and i was still petrified it wouldn’t work that well and i would be aware of what they were doing to my body. Let me tell you right now it was SO quick and i had minimal pain. I was 7 weeks and a few days. I had no numbing of my cervix only the sedation. I knew i was awake but i don’t remember any of the procedure except towards the end it started to hurt just a little bit and then the doctor said all done. I will say i would never want to do it again, but i don’t remember most of it and feel way better about my decision. My pregnancy symptoms were instantly gone and i woke up today feeling fine with no bleeding or cramping. I know everyone’s different but I just wanted to share a positive experience because i read so many horror stories and that made my decision so much harder. I promise if i can do it so can you. ♥️ sending love to anyone struggling.